Paint and Tidy Sheering Mill Lock - Volunteer Day starting at 10AM
21 Sep
The Canal & River Trust are inviting Residents to join them at Sheering Mill Lock on the 21st of September between from 10am to help make the area look its best. This is a family orientated event; young people will be able to Litter pick whilst those that are older can help with tasks including Painting the Lock structure and safety railings, as well as litter picking and cutting vegetation away from the paths.
Sheering Mill is an Idyllic location, but the lock is starting to look tired and the vegetation on the towpaths can become overgrown and spoil an otherwise lovely walk. The trust believes that when local people are looking after an area it encourages others to treat it with more respect, hopefully helping with litter issues.
As a charity we reply on volunteers to keep over 2000 miles of waterway open and to help us care for their local water river or canal, we believe that communities are central to making our blue and green wildlife corridors relevant to the people that live near.
No skills are required, all equipment and know how will be provided by staff on the day.
Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Lunch will old friends and new will be a picnic, please bring your own and we will supply hot drinks and biscuits.
To view details and sign up to this event please follow this link.