Jubilee Gardens Consultation Project
Every four years the town council consults with residents and businesses via the Town Action Plan and seeks to find out what improvements and enhancements they would like to see in the town. In a consultation prior to 2019 it was felt that the town does not have a central area that is a focal point for the community. An area of land adjacent to the car parks and outside the Central Surgery was identified as being a perfect area that could be developed. This land is owned by East Herts Council and we have therefore been in negotiations with them to develop a project which has been named as Jubilee Gardens.
The area needs to encourage users to enjoy the open air and a place to rest, meet friends and use for community group activities. Recent community events in the town have increased the requirement for an area to be available for these activities as well as an area to relax, reflect and enjoy.
In 2022, following agreement from East Herts Council to pursue the project, a group of residents and councillors were formed as a working party to develop ideas, analyse survey results and conduct on-site meetings. Following a formal tendering process, a landscape design company was instructed to proceed with a concept plan. This process has been long and complex whilst negotiating with East Herts Council planning and conservation department and their arboricultural officer to reach an agreement on the proposed plan.
You can find below the proposed plans for the project. If you would like to make any comments or ask questions about the proposed project, please email info@sawbridgeworth-tc.gov.uk and use the subject title ‘Jubilee Gardens’
Click here to view the proposed tree removal and retention plan
Click here to view the proposed layout plan for Jubilee Gardens
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